Introducing Sophie
I thought I would start off this blog for SIA, by introducing myself! Happy viewing! The post Introducing Sophie appeared first on Spinal Injuries Association.
View ArticleGetting started
Hi! I’m Sophie, and I am a T-4/5. I don’t usually like to open with this, but given that this is my first blog for the Spinal Injuries Association, I think it’s probably the one time it’s...
View ArticleBarlow Robbins: Providing much more than legal help
Suffering a spinal cord injury can have both devastating physical implications but also tremendous psychological effects. Our client, Mr N made a claim against his local hospital for failure to prevent...
View ArticleBarlow Robbins: If you make a claim, how much compensation are you entitled to?
After suffering a severe spinal cord injury you may have concerns about finances and worried about how you will afford to make changes to your accommodation, buy equipment to help you live your life...
View ArticleBarlow Robbins: What to expect if your claim ends up in court
When beginning your claim, the idea of appearing in court may seem a distant reality. In fact, it may not happen at all as the majority of cases settle before trial. However, if your claim does take...
View ArticleBarlow Robbins: Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain?
Barlow Robbins image for blog Individuals with spinal cord injuries often experience excruciating and unrelenting chronic pain. The pain often has a significant impact upon the physical and mental...
View ArticleBarlow Robbins: Bionic Bodies
Advanced technology is fast becoming a key part of the medical rehabilitation process. In today’s blog we show how Inventors and the health profession work closely together to try and provide...
View ArticleBarlow Robbins: Developing treatments for spinal cord injury
Barlow Robbins blog Your lawyer needs to be aware of medical advances that could benefit their clients. We set out in today’s blog some treatments that have benefited people who have suffered spinal...
View ArticleBarlow Robbins Can Help Safeguard for Your Future.
Barlow Robbins blog Once we have done our job in obtaining your compensation, it doesn’t stop there. In today’s blog we show how we are there to help you protect your monies and put measures in place...
View ArticleBarlow Robbins: Delay in diagnosis of spinal cord compression – How we helped...
Mr A’s life was turned upside down when he suffered his spinal cord injury through clinical negligence. Read a summary of his injury and how we helped his rehabilitation, secured a six figure...
View ArticleSlater and Gordon: What can we do for you?
Slater and Gordon Lawyers are one of the UK’s largest law firms with more than 1,500 staff and 18 offices across England, Scotland and Wales. We are fast becoming the UK’s largest consumer law firm and...
View ArticleRight Chair, Right Time, Right Now
If you are a wheelchair user, unlike the song when you only have three wheels on your wagon, you don’t keep rolling along – even if you are be chased by Cherokees! If you require a new wheelchair chair...
View ArticleSlater and Gordon: Supporting SCI Education for Healthcare Professionals
Slater and Gordon Lawyers is a committed supporter of SIA and its mission to improve healthcare for spinal cord-injured (SCI) people. To help achieve this mission, we collaborate with SIA and other...
View ArticleSlater and Gordon: Paralysed Football Player Turns Club Owner
In the 28 years since his own spinal cord injury, Jonathan Fogerty an Associate Solicitor at Slater and Gordon Lawyers in Manchester has witnessed many individuals with spinal cord injury go on to...
View ArticleSlater and Gordon: Seatbelts – the legal consequences
Everybody knows that it’s against the law to travel in a car without wearing a seatbelt. They keep us safe. I know, from personal experience of the personal injury cases I have dealt with, that wearing...
View ArticleCourageous, tough and determined – the Spinal Injuries Association’s (SIA)...
Earlier this year members of Birchall Blackburn Law’s Serious and Catastrophic Injury team attended the Spinal Injuries Association’s (SIA) Rebuilding Lives Awards. Held in the glamorous surroundings...
View ArticleFamily matters
The first of my blogs for SIA unfortunately had to be postponed, as I was recently knocked for six by a dreaded U.T.I. As someone who has had a spinal cord injury for over a decade now, I am still...
View Article“Team Talk” with Kelly Hutton at Birchall Blackburn Law
Kelly is a solicitor in the Serious and Catastrophic Injury team at Birchall Blackburn Law, and spends much of her time helping and representing spinal cord injured people. Based at the Manchester...
View Article“Team Talk” with Dianne Yates
With more than 20 years legal experience Dianne heads up the Serious and Catastrophic Injury team at Birchall Blackburn Law. Based at the Manchester Office, but representing clients across the UK, she...
View ArticleTen spinal cord injury myths that society needs to banish – part one, the...
Whether it is through an ill-informed media, half-truths, apathy, old fashioned prejudice, out-dated knowledge or simple ignorance, society has always made assumptions about paralysis and wheelchair...
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